
Friday, September 7, 2012


Okay, so my topic for this week's current event is not really based on a specific news article.  Instead, I'm just going to talk about the stuff that has been happening on Mars.  As I am sure you are all aware, there is a rover on Mars that has been going around collecting images and samples for us to study.  Which I think, as a scientist, is way cool.

So, why do we keep returning to space travel?  Humans have always been trying to expand their territories, and they end up needing more and more space to live as the population keeps increasing.  But travelling in space has always been something more exciting.  Little kids want to be astronauts when they grow up, just because they want to get closer to the stars and other planets.  We had the Space Race in the sixties where we went to the moon, and we have had many other trips, manned and unmanned, which send satellites and space ships out to the surrounding solar system.  Why?  Because we want to know what is out there, and we want to eventually be able to see it for ourselves.

Now, Mars is the closest planet to ours, and is the only one so far that we can send probes to without it getting swallowed up by gases.  There have been rovers going to Mars for a while now, but you only hear about the super important events, like leaving and landing.  Most of the rest of the time, the general populace has no idea what that rover is doing.  Unless you have super nerdy geology professors like I do who track its progress.  But I digress.

I think I'm going to wrap up this post.  I just really like the idea of knowing what other planets and stars look like or what they were doing billions of years ago.  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my rambling post about SPACE!

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