
About Us

We constitute a group of five (and sometimes more) not-so-like-minded individuals who want to explore some of the interesting, controversial, or just not commonly thought about issues of today. What we're trying to do is get a host of different viewpoints, ones that make us challenge how we see the world. Hopefully, it'll provide you with some insight into us and maybe even the world at large.

New topics are posted on Sundays at 9 AM ET, and posts from regular contributors go up at 9 AM ET daily for the rest of the week. Occasional contributors may post sporadically throughout the week.

If you would like to suggest a topic or have any questions for us that you're not comfortable leaving as a comment, shoot us an email at

Warning: Posts may contain adult themes, adult language, and childlike glee.

So without further ado, let's meet the authors!

Regular Contributors

Name: Brandon
Occupation: Math Education Student
Animal of Choice: Red Panda
Random Fact: Brandon is a knitting badass.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Name: Kathleen
Occupation: College Student (International Affairs) with some sort of part-time job.
Animal of Choice: Ferret
Random Fact: Just as Brandon is a knitting badass, Kathleen is hoping to eventually reach the level of prop-making/wood-working badass.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Name: John
Occupation: Gamestop Store Manager
Animal of Choice: Penguin
Random Fact: 98765432 / .444 * 554.99999 = 12345678 (555 works on older, stupider calculators)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Name: Pendleton
Occupation: College Student (Major in Sociology and Music)
Animal of Choice: Ladybug
Random Fact: Pendleton loves collecting t-shirts about how awesome Virginia history is.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Name: Laura
Occupation: Geology Student (with geeky minors in Geography and Classical Studies)
Animal of Choice: Wolf
Random Fact: Laura is completely obsessed with fantasy, mythical, or supernatural related to a kind of creeper-ish extent.
Hogwarts House: Pottermore says Gryffindor, although my heart (and brain) belongs to Ravenclaw

Occasional Contributors

Name: Kelsey
Occupation: Part-time retail associate and full-time game development student
Animal of Choice: Her cat, Spot
Random Fact: Kelsey is in the habit of singing as frequently as the people around her will allow.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Name: Emily
Occupation: Lifeguard and Unemployed English-type Person
Animal of Choice: Fossa
Random Fact: Emily will analyze the shit out of anything and everything with a plot. 
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Name: Randi
Occupation: Unemployed High School Student
Animal of Choice: Badger
Random Fact: Randi is a Nerdfighter
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

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