
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mosquito Bites, and Other Annoyances

This post has the potential to be fairly lengthy, but for the sake of maintaining interest (and, also, to follow in the precedent set by our previous two bloggers), I'll try to keep it at a manageable length.  ... What -is- a manageable length, anyway?  Whatever, I'm going to write until it doesn't flow easily.

Inconsiderate people.  This is something that I run into, more often than not, at work, and it annoys the hell out of me.  First and foremost on this point are the people who won't get off their phone while I'm trying to help them.  Some people (most people, really) will at least pull the phone away to talk to me, albeit briefly, and some even apologize after they get off the phone.  But there are some people who will stay on their phone and carry on a conversation the entire time they're in the store, and that's just fucking rude.  Particularly if there are other people waiting in line, have the decency to either tell the person "I'll call you back", or step away and carry your conversation on in a place where you won't be holding up (or annoying) other people.  I had a woman stay on her phone earlier today, actually, and she got annoyed at me while I was trying to ring her up.  Why did she get annoyed?  Because I had to ask her things at least twice, because she wasn't listening to me the first time.  Some questions aren't vital - I don't think I offered her a bag for her purchase, and I'm fairly certain I didn't ask her if she found everything alright.  But I do need to know how you want to pay for things, and if you write "See ID" on the back of your credit card, you shouldn't get angry at someone asking for your ID.  ... But, yeah, inconsiderate people piss me off.

Next on the immediate train of thought are the annoying people that want to take up your time talking about... well, anything.  Now, don't get me wrong, if I'm talking to someone that I appreciate and/or have a good rapport with, and the topic is interesting, I'll talk (... well, listen moreso than talk, typically) for ages.  But if you're just spouting random stuff about things that I have no interest in whatsoever, and especially if you're doing it while I'm busy?  We're going to have problems.  No, I don't want to hear about your new strategy for Magic: The Gathering.  No, I don't want to see a YouTube clip of something that you might find amusing.  No, I don't want to talk about how hard it is to find a job and why you'd be perfect to work at Gamestop (though, for some people, those stories are a source of amusement).  I honestly don't think it's -that- hard to tell whether someone's genuinely interested in things that you're saying, or whether they're just acknowledging you for the sake of not being outright rude.  I just wish that more people would take the hint. Most recent case in point?  The cashier in the food court at Target wasted five minutes of my break (... Hey, when you only have half an hour to eat and chill out, every minute is sacred, okay?) with some monologue about... you know what?  I don't even know.  That's how uninterested I was - I didn't even retain a shred of what he was talking about.  But he held up his own line to have that conversation with me.  Why?  I don't know.  I just wanted to eat.

... Both of my things so far are about other people.  I'm not sure whether I'm surprised by that or not, and whether or that's a bad (or telling) thing.  I'm gonna try to get on a different level, though - dishonesty, in general, really bugs me.  Going hand in hand with that would be unethical behavior.  When the two of them combine... ... I want to punch something.  Hell, sometimes I want to punch things even if it's one or the other.  Dishonesty, to me, shows a complete lack of respect for the person you're talking to, and that's frustrating.  I've been the recipient of dishonesty a fair bit over the past year-ish, and it's mostly come from people that I am (was?) close to.  This, as you would expect, makes it worse.  It wouldn't be as impactful if I didn't find out about it, but I always do, one way or another.  I don't understand why you would blatantly lie to something about... well, anything.  Not in a personal sense, anyway.  Some people classify "withholding information" as being better than lying.  I don't agree.  In a way, I think it's almost worse, because it really just seems like lying that you're trying to justify to make yourself feel better.  You might do it with good intentions, but I feel that if there's something that you feel -should- be shared, you should just do it.

Inconsistency in food.  Yeah, I know, that's kind of a 180, huh?  Pizza is something that I eat more of than I should (though I've gotten a lot better about that lately!).  One of the most common things for me to do, if I'm home and don't feeling like either cooking or going out, is to order Domino's.  There are some nights where the order is fantastic, and everything tastes delicious... and there are some nights where it doesn't taste nearly as good.  I understand that this is a fairly minor problem, and that it's to be expected, almost, but it still bugs me when I'm expecting one flavor profile and I get something different.

I've got more that I can write about, but I think I've hit my limit of "easy stuff", so I'm gonna wrap it up here.  Happy rest of the Breather Week, everyone, and welcome, Laura.

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