
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Now And Then I Think Of All The Times You Screwed Me Over

I should preface this by saying that I'm a pretty particular person. Even a brief summary of the biggest things that bug me would take thousands of words to scratch the surface of, and I'm aware of the fact that I'm a bit unreasonable. That being said, I'm going to address what I think is the biggest and most appropriate of my pet peeves: screwing other people over by being lazy.

I'm not the best student. It's not all that uncommon for me to just blow off assignments because of stress or fail to study for a test because I'm worried about other things or to settle for a B when I could work a bit harder and pull off an A. I'm prone to doing things that only affect me in a half-assed manner. That's a personal flaw, and it's one that I can accept for myself.

What I can't tolerate is when people take that kind of attitude with any kind of work or project that affects other people. I had a lab group for first semester biology last year that did this. We would set deadlines for everyone to submit their portions, and no one else would adhere to them. I'd always be the one to compile the work, and there were multiple occasions where other people completely failed to prepare their sections, and I would have to redo them at the last minute. The result was usually a shoddy report that we ended up with grades in the 70s for. I got an 88.5% in that class, and about 80% of the grade was group work. I know that I would've had an A in that class if it weren't for that group, because I nailed everything that I did on my own.

I can't understand why anyone would ever screw other people over that badly. Even if the task at hand isn't particularly important to me, if it affects other people at all, then you can bet that I will put 110% in on it. If you agree to do a task that other people are depending on you for, then you should fucking do it. It's not complicated. It's just common courtesy. If you want to be the kind of person that does shoddy work, that's fine. If you're the only person being affected by your poor choices, then that's your business, but don't make that someone else's problem.

Wow, that was a lot more intense and rage-y than a breather week should be. Can't wait to see what John has to say tomorrow. Also, for anyone that didn't notice, we have a new regular contributor this week! Randi's gonna be an occasional contributor now, and the fantastic Laura has taken over for her.

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