
Friday, July 13, 2012

Intelligent Design is Not Science

For anyone that might have missed my post from Personal Religious History week, go check that out before reading further. It may help with providing a bit of context for my opinions here.

Science is a pretty great thing. Advances in our understanding of the universe and how it works are pretty fantastic, and I think that's just because it allows us to reassess the situation based on new information, and generally, if the assumptions we've made are correct, then it'll work. If they don't work, then we have to rethink our views and find a way to adapt.

This is just how life works. With that, I find it kind of bizarre that so many people can be resistant to that idea when it comes to apparent conflicts between religious texts and science. The idea of, "Well, the Bible says that the world's only existed for about 6000 years, and science says it's been billions of years, so clearly someone has to be wrong."

Though, this might just because of the way that I think of the relevance of religious texts. They're not so much about the details, because let's face it, it's entirely plausible that the details were lost in translation or were never recorded correctly in the first place or were exaggerated to make the impact clearer and... religious texts and ideas aren't perfect, and I think that if they conflict with reason and the overall message that the religion is trying to convey, then there's a problem and you should rethink your interpretation of the text.

The fact that I'm rather irreligious may make it seem like my insinuation that these texts could be flawed is occurring way too lightly, but I really don't think that's true. If I believed in a particular religion, I could believe that someone that believed the same general things thousands of years ago could have made an incorrect assumption or written something down that made sense at the time and doesn't anymore.

To sum up, I think my point is that if your religion tells you to love everyone and be forgiving, then you should let people have dude sex and not protest at the funerals of soldiers. That is all.

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