
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week of 7/29 - Anti-Discrimination Law

Hey all. Laura's away at Otakon for the weekend doing awesome things, so I'll be announcing this week's topic. I hope you aren't all greatly disappointed.

As long as people have had differences, they've been used as an excuse to look down on others. Be it based on class, gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, or whatever, it's been a part of society that laws have either existed to promote or prevent. This week, we're going to talk about laws that have tried to prevent it.

How effective are current laws in protecting minority groups from discrimination? What can be done to make these laws more effective? Do these laws go too far and end up infringing on the rights of majority groups? Which groups should be protected by these laws? Which shouldn't? How necessary are these laws in today's society? These are just some of the questions that we're going to try to address this week, along with talking about some of our own experiences with the subject.

As always, our discussion is primarily going to focus on policies in the United States, as that's where all of us are from, though there may be some international comparisons made.

Kathleen will start us off tomorrow, and I'll be back to weigh in on Tuesday. Can't wait to see what everyone has to say!

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