
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Problem is, How Can You be Sure?

The idea of legally assisted suicide bothers me. Not in a morally wrong bother, but in the idea we are considering one type of suicide as legally okay, but other types of suicide are not. Since most assisted suicide seems to happen in the case of deadly illness, is it because this person knows that they are going to die anyway that it is okay.

When I keep thinking about this topic, I find myself struggling with what to say. Though Kelsey's statement about "Do Not Resuscitate" has sparked my thinking. Or at least sparked my frustration in that I think "Do Not Resuscitate" should be honored. A persons wishes should be honored; there is no need to drag out a person's life is they are not going to be resuscitated. Perhaps then legally assisted suicide is similar in that regards. I do not like the idea of it being completely illegal, charging the people who do it with murder when they were fulfilling another's request, but then how can you always know when that is what they wanted. "Do Not Resuscitate" is easier in that regard because it is something set out, and assisted suicide may not always be so easy or explicitly stated.

It's a stand off with me. I believe to some degree that people should be in control of their own life, even in how they die, but I also have that belief that life is sacred to some degree and should be protected. But then I don't feel like I have any insights on this topic because I haven't quite figured out my opinion myself. It's one of those topics you never feel like you yourself are going to have to confront, so why worry about it a lot. Though I suppose you could say that about a lot of things. It's just that, if assisted suicide cannot be made clear cut in legality, then whether a person's actions falls under assisted suicide or murder would be left up to the discretion of the people involved in the case.

I can see a person's desire to end their life with only a few, painful months to live. I can understand that. But I can see the struggles of a legal system trying to define the parameters of legally assisted suicide, even though I know that's not often why states make it illegal. Though perhaps no matter what our desires and understandings, the moral parameters of death should be kept in place. Maybe it would be a door once opened that we would not be able to close. Or perhaps that's too paranoid and legalizing assisted suicide would actually be rather smooth. Too many what ifs. Or maybe not.

So I can't exactly say whether or not assisted suicide should be legal. I think it should be less... illegal, if that makes sense, but I can't see it being a hundred percent legal in our system, so I know there will always be limitations, as their should be.

I suppose those are my jumbled thoughts on legally assisted suicide. I could have spoken more at length on my frustration with families ignoring "Do No Resuscitate" or trying to extend the life of aging patients who are going to soon die. From what I learned about the topic, it was drain on the medical system and has always felt grossly unfair to the dying patients who families cannot let go. Perhaps that is harsh, but that is how I feel about it. That is my essential feelings on it, addressing it anymore would be ranting and not so much logical discussion. So I believe I shall end my post here, and allow you to go on with your day until tomorrow, when you read another post.

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious as to any thoughts you might have about making assisted suicide less illegal. Are you referring to the US as a whole, or just Virginia? What do you think would be a suitable "punishment"?
