
Friday, August 10, 2012

The Human Species Evolution

Okay, so I was looking for a news story to write about, and I came across one in the science section of BBC News.  It was about a new species of humans that was confirmed to have existed.  Here is the link if anyone wants to read it.  This article was particularly interesting to me because as a geology major, I like that sort of thing.  And I hadn't thought about multiple human species before.

Basically the article said that there have now been at least three confirmed species of humans that existed two million years ago.  The one that we evolved from used to be the only line of humans until about 50 years ago, when another was discovered through fossil fragments, and again recently.  Because there is only one strand of humans today, the others must have dies out.

I had newer thought about having mutations of humans that tried to survive several million years ago.  I mean, it makes sense.  Everything has to evolve, and there are many different animals with ancestors that branched into strands of mutations that became the animals that we see today.  There were species that died out back then, so why not have humans do the same?  Trials of what would works best that used "survival of the fittest" to narrow down the strands until just one is left to form a typical "human."  From a scientific viewpoint, it is obvious that of course there would be different branches of humans.

So I thought that was an interesting article that made me think about something I hadn't considered before.  I hope you enjoyed reading, and Kathleen will end the week for us tomorrow.

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